Catch the most profitable fish in less time using less fuel
We all know, with fishing, habitat is where it’s at. Even if you’re fishing for mid-level schooling fish, the seafloor is the beginning of the food chain. With WASSP Multibeam, you’ll find fish and relevant habitat over a much wider area than traditional single-beam systems. Plus, detect where hard ground starts and finishes, so you can optimise your fishing operations. You’ll quickly find the WASSP F-Series is purpose-designed for all fishing operations and is ideal for:
Inshore, coastal and offshore fishing • Trawling • Purse seining • Pot fishing • Shellfish dredging • Longlining • Fish farms • Sport fishing
Now you can confidently explore new fishing grounds much faster and with greater accuracy. This is especially useful if regulations around fishing grounds change or environmental factors such as weather patterns, storms or current flows affect your usual fishing grounds.